Friday, August 25, 2017

15 Hurricane Preparedness Tips You May Not Know

1. Make an Emergency Plan

This may seem obvious but how many of us have procrastinated until the news of a hurricane's path before creating one? Sit down with the family and create a list locations of emergency shelters, emergency routes, phone lists of friends and family and other information preparations that apply to your family. Remember to get the whole family involved so that everyone remembers the steps. 

2. Stay Enlightened 

You really can't have too many lanterns. Stock up on lamps and make sure they are easily accessible during an emergency. Give your lights a test drive to insure they are ready to be used when necessary. Also, double check the age of the batteries and fully charge any rechargeable lights.

3. Keep your mind sharp, not your windows

Hurricanes are no stranger to high winds, which spark trouble for your windows. Make sure you maintain the health of your trees by pruning them regularly and watching for deadfall. Outside furniture can also spark disaster if no properly secured. If in doubt bring them inside to keep them from being missiles in the storm. Even with all these  precautions, wind can still pose a danger. Board up your windows and stay away from glass during high winds.

4. Suck it up

Flooding is one of the biggest enemies of your home. Placing a towel under door seems help with some minor flooding from getting into your home. For major flooding remember to perform proper maintenance on your kayak. 

5. Be cool and keep some coolers

Coolers are great for keeping some essential items cold and on hand without having to open up the fridge. Keep some ice in your freezer for emergencies and fill it up your cooler with ice and essential food items before you loose electricity.

6. Seal it

Remember to keep your fridge closed as much as possible. Couple hours before the storm hits turn your fridge and freezer on the coldest setting. After getting out your essential items, keep the fridge shut, to keep your grocery's cold as long as possible.

7. Bookmark your local website or social media page

Local websites are usually cringeworthy but they are a great resource in emergency situations. Local News and weather are going to cover larger area and often will not mention every road closure. Check your local cities page every 30 minutes to learn more about road closures or evacuations. 

8. Be in charge

When you still have electricity charge up your cellphones, backup batteries, and other essential electronics to keep you connected to the outside would in case of an emergency. Or to enable you to watch that cute cat video while using up your cellular data. 

9. Put your delicious hiking food to use

Buy some extra freezer dried food next time you are getting ready for a camping trip. Dehydrated, freezer tried and other non perishable goods are great back up food when you are out of electricity.    

10. Grill it

Camping stoves are great when you are out of power. Just boil some water and use it with your camping food. However, if fires aren't an option invest in some M.R.E's that you have a heating source included for a hot meal during a rough ride.  Propane grills are an option as well.

11. Take a bath

Well, at least fill your tub with water. Before the power goes out, fill your tub with regular tap water to have a water source for non drinking purposes. Want to be able to carry the water around the house? Invest in some multi gallon jugs that are portable but still hold a decent amount of water.

12. Cure the cabin fever

Hurricanes are incredible forces of nature but being stuck indoors can create cabin fever especially in the youngest of us. Keeping a few card games or board games around will fight off boredom and be a distraction during such a high stress situation. 

13. Fill the holes of your emergency pack

Do you really know how old that first aid kit is in your emergency pack? Are those batteries looking a little funny? Do an audit of all your items in the emergency pack. Check for any products that may have been used up during the last emergency or may have expired. This is also a great time to add any medication that you may have to take on a regular basis. 

14. Video or the radio star 

While you are able, stay connected to the news on tv and radio for information on the storm. When you do loose power, have a wireless radio handy to stay informed. 

15. Rock the comfort

There is no shame in making it easy on yourself and buying a back up generator. Back up generators are great for keeping the comforts and safety measures during a stressful time. However, still take the time to put together and emergency kit and plan in case the generator fails. 

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